tor Deep Web/Dark Web What is it? The Deep Web is the portion of World Wide Web content that is not indexed by standard search engines. How big is it? It is impossible to measure, and hard to put estimates on, the size of the deep web because the majority of the information is
DARPA Featured Da Interwebz Pt. I late 1950s Computers had to be stored in special cooled rooms. They only worked on one task at a time. Programming at that time meant a lot of manual work and the indirect connection to the computers led to a lot of bugs, wasting time, and a lot of frustration.
ruby Featured --fail-fast and learn fast using PRY! Today we are going to be talking about a very useful ruby developer tool called Pry. What is Pry, what does it do? From the official pry website [] > Pry is a powerful alternative to the standard IRB shell for Ruby. It features syntax highlighting, a flexible
dash Featured Dash Today we’ll be talking about Dash and how it has helped me through my journey at Flatiron School. What is Dash? Here’s is a little excerpt from their website []: > “Dash is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager. Dash stores snippets of